Linkedin Lead Generation Blog

Extend your knowledge with these tips, tricks and insights geared to help you reach your business goals.

Linkedin Lead Generation Blog

Extend your knowledge with these tips, tricks and insights geared to help you reach your business goals.

7 Steps to Use LinkedIn for an Account-Based Strategy candyce edelen prospecting sales Oct 20, 2022

Is your team using an account-based marketing (ABM) and sales strategy? If you're not using LinkedIn as part of your enterprise account strategy, you're missing out. It's the perfect way to get the entire buying committee on board with your solution.

LinkedIn is an ideal starting point to get...

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Your Headline Is the Most Important Real Estate on Your LinkedIn Profile candyce edelen linkedin linkedin profile tips linkedintips Aug 04, 2022

Your headline is arguably the most important part of your LinkedIn profile. 

  • Your headline is is the first thing people see when you send a connection request
  • It’s the first section they’ll read on your profile
  • It’s searchable, and helps you get found when people search...
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Should You Send Blank Connection Requests on LinkedIn? candyce edelen Jun 14, 2022

Lots of people on LinkedIn argue that blank connection requests work just as well as those including a note.

Actually, they work much better than a note that contains a sales pitch.

So should you stop putting all that effort into writing a personalized connection request?

I think this really...

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The Mythical "Easy Button" candyce edelen inbound marketing Jun 07, 2022

The mythical sales "easy button" doesn't exist. Sorry!

Every week, I talk to business owners looking for an effortless way to attract qualified leads and close sales. If you listen to the "growth hackers" and "gurus" on LinkedIn, it's easy to be fooled into believing that building an audience...

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Stay Human (or The Benefits of Being Human on LinkedIn) candyce edelen linkedin prospecting sales Jun 01, 2022

"LinkedIn is evolving away from human communication." 

That was a comment on a recent LinkedIn post about bots.

In a way, it's true. When people use automation on LinkedIn, it's never effective. But I've built so many great relationships on LinkedIn. And I'm doing real business on...

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How to Stay Out of LinkedIn Jail candyce edelen linkedin no bots May 26, 2022

Have you been in LinkedIn jail?

I’ve heard of MANY people receiving warnings and temporary restrictions for too many connection invitations, too many profile views, automating outreach, and posting controversial content.

In general, 3 policy violations will result in a permanent restriction...

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Do Sophisticated Bots Work for LinkedIn Outreach? candyce edelen linkedin linkedin automation no bots prospecting Apr 25, 2022

Recently, I received a pretty sophisticated outreach that was probably bot-driven using a LinkedIn automation tool. #nobots

It started with a connection request saying he just wanted to network. That’s fine, so I connected. 

Then he sent me a video that clearly wasn’t...

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Having Problems Booking Meetings on LinkedIn? Try These Tips. candyce edelen prospecting Apr 18, 2022

Are you trying to book meetings with leads on LinkedIn? What do you do when a prospect isn't responding?

A member of our prospecting mastery course (we'll call him "Joe") has trying to reach the CIO of a major retail chain ($130B in revenue) (we'll call the prospect "Andy"). 

Joe sent...

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Don't Squander Your Most Productive Prospecting Season candyce edelen Jan 04, 2022

January marks the beginning of what will be the most productive prospecting season for most sales people.

Prospects are back at work, they’ve set new goals, and they’re excited about making quick progress. 

As you reach out to cold (and warm) leads, remember to focus on...

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Should You Outsource LinkedIn Lead Generation? candyce edelen linkedin Dec 08, 2021

Every once in a while, someone asks if they can outsource their LinkedIn prospecting to me. I strongly recommend against outsourcing LinkedIn lead generation.

Three years ago, a client asked me to help them find a LinkedIn lead generation firm. I personally reviewed and interviewed 12 firms.


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How Do I Cut Through the Noise on LinkedIn? candyce edelen linkedin prospecting Sep 28, 2021

"If everyone is hitting up decision-makers on LinkedIn, how can I cut through the noise and make a genuine connection?"

Many people dismiss LinkedIn as a sales tool because they don't think they can cut through the noise. But I've found it pretty easy to stand out just by being human and working...

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On LinkedIn, Size (of Your Network) Matters candyce edelen linkedin Sep 15, 2021

A connection asked me a great question recently.

“One of our new team members worked for a competitor and has a lot of connections with their employees. As we start using LinkedIn more extensively, should we remove them or block them?”

Great question!

First - never share anything on...

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