If Your Company’s Message Is The Same As Others in the Ecosystem You’re A Commodity

branding marketing phil donaldson sales May 06, 2024
Explore why failing to differentiate in business leads to a 'Commodified Catastrophe.' Stand out or risk disappearing in the competitive market.

“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”
― P.T. Barnum

At a recent DirectionsNA conference, Candyce asked an attendee, “What’s your company’s differentiator?” He replied, “We really care about our customers.” 

Candyce gestured to the room filled with Microsoft partners “But that’s what every single partner here says.”

Dejected, the man looked down. He wasn't sure what to say.

So many partner firms believe that they’re providing something unique to their customers. Yet, they parrot the same things as their competitors or they just copy content from the Microsoft product content. 

They say things like, “We’re the premier provider of, blah, blah, blah, with a combined experience of 250 years” or “We provide exemplary customer service.”

If your company does stuff like this, your customers won’t perceive any difference between you and your competitors.

Commodity: A Definition

Merriam-Webster defines the word, “commodity” as:

“A good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (such as brand name) other than price.”

“A mass-produced unspecialized product.” 

As the lady in the old Wendy’s ads asked, “Where’s the beef?”

Your prospects are already exploring the whole features and benefits thing. And yes, they value attentive customer service. The thing they’re really looking for? Solutions to their problems. They need to trust that the vendor can actually solve their problem. The most bang for their buck.

As a perceived commodity, you just end up in a discounting discussion rather than one around value-based pricing. That’s why it’s important to differentiate from your competitors.

Customer-Centric Tips For Authentic Differentiation

Instead of merely posting the same company-centric promotional vendor fact sheets and rhetoric, try these customer-centric tips:

  • Answer the most burning customer questions
  • Learn how customers articulate their business problem and speak their dialect
  • Become an expert on topics that speak to customer’s business problems
  • Align your team with your company’s goals and strategy so you’re telling a unique, unified story
  • Observe your “me too” competitors and stop doing what they do
  • Develop a unique point of view so prospects can differentiate you from the competition

The words, “thought leader” and “trusted advisor” have been bandied about for years. But still, they’re industry positions to aspire to. Being a thought leader is what makes you stand out in the industry and fosters trust. 

Your company does have a unique value proposition. You just have to do the work to identify it, develop it and articulate it (hint: start by asking your customers why they chose your firm).

Competition Is Growing 

In an era where partner sales are declining and publishers are constantly adding more partners, creating even more competition, it’s ever-more important to stand out from the crowd. The big question is: what are you going to do differently from the competition?

Lead Or Follow?

Are you educating your customers to the sale or simply pitch-slapping them like everyone else? Are you striving toward being a “me too” or a “we lead” company?

About The Author: Phil Donaldson is a creative strategist who helps B2B professionals make genuine connections on LinkedIn. As the Chief Operating & Creative Officer at PropelGrowth, he blends creativity with strategic thinking to guide brands in building authentic relationships and elevating their presence in the marketplace.

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